Foreign Policy and the 2012 Latino Electorate
Latino foreign policy perspectives, with rare exceptions (De la Garza 1980, De le Garza and Pachon 2000, Valeriano 2007) are an unexplored topic in the foreign policy academic and policy community....
View ArticleLatino voters in Colorado care deeply about protecting water, air from...
Colorado has become one of the most contested states in 2012, and Michael Bennet’s 2010 Senate win came by less than 30,000 votes. Latino voters – at an estimated 12% of the electorate – have become...
View ArticlePuerto Rico and Federal Status Legislation, 1952-2012
On November 6, the residents of Puerto Rico will have an opportunity to vote in local island-wide general elections and a status plebiscite. The 2012 plebiscite provides electors with a two-stage vote...
View ArticleImpreMedia/Latino Decisions Election Eve Poll: The 2012 Latino Electorate
ImpreMedia and Latino Decisions will release results from our national election eve poll of 5,600 Latino registered voters the morning of November 6, 2012. The ImpreMedia-Latino Decisions Election Eve...
View ArticleEconomy and immigration are top issues to Latino voters in 2012
The ImpreMedia-Latino Decisions Election Eve Poll of 5,600 Latino voters has indicated that the Economy/Jobs and Immigration were the most important issues to Latino voters in 2012. As indicated in the...
View ArticleImpreMedia/Latino Decisions Election Eve Poll provides key insights regarding...
Here are a few highlights from the latest release of data from the ImpreMedia-Latino Decisions Election Eve Poll of 5,600 Latino voters conducted during the final days of the campaign. Click here for...
View ArticleObama wins 75% of Latino vote, marks historic Latino influence in...
Gary Segura and Matt Barreto of Latino Decisions webinar presentation today focused on the key insights generated from the ImpreMedia-Latino Decisions Election Eve Poll. The survey included a national...
View ArticleThe 2012 Latino Electorate: Results and Resources
Results from the ImpreMedia/Latino Decisions Election Eve Poll – the only national survey specifically designed to study the 2012 Latino Electorate — are now available at...
View ArticleWhat Latinos Want – Immigration Reform Bill
The results of the 2012 election have awakened the Republican Party to their impending demographic disaster. Substantial growth in the size and power of the Latino vote—and an overwhelming tilt in that...
View ArticleTexas Immigration Politics: Enforcement First, Outreach Later?
Earlier this week a bipartisan group of eight senators announced their preliminary plans for comprehensive immigration reform (CIR) legislation. Neither senator from Texas is among the coalition of...
View ArticleLatino Voters and the Debate Over CIR
Today Latino Decisions presented results from our most recent polling on Latino voters and the immigration policy debate. Immigration has quickly emerged as the most important issue to the Latino...
View ArticleLatino voters favor gun restrictions
The grim statistics and on-going stories about children, men and women killed by guns in America have led many to conclude that enough is enough; something must to be done to curb the senseless loss of...
View ArticleImmigration Reform: GOP’s big chance to deliver on Latino outreach
Recent elections demonstrate that immigration is a mobilizing issue for Latino voters. We can be sure that Congressional action, or inaction, on the current comprehensive immigration reform (CIR) bill...
View ArticleLatinos remain committed to reducing air pollution and preventing climate change
Contrary to popular assumptions, Latinos are not a single issue group. Like many other Americans, Latinos care deeply about a variety of issues, including protecting the environment. In the latest...
View ArticleNew poll: Latino voters evaluate Congress through their actions on...
Latino Decisions released a new national poll today that found overwhelmingly Latino voters are following the immigration reform debate in Congress and that actions taken on the immigration bill...
View ArticleLatino voters oppose excessive enforcement and punitive measures in...
A new poll from and Latino Decisions finds that Latino voters firmly oppose excessive enforcement, border security, and punitive measures as part of comprehensive immigration reform. The...
View ArticleThe Impact of Congressional CIR Rhetoric and Action on Latino Voters
A new poll from America’s Voice and Latino Decisions shows immigration policy action and rhetoric weighs heavily in on Latino voters as they evaluate elected officials, parties, and their vote choices....
View ArticleMessage Not Received: House Republicans and Immigration Reform
As the House of Representatives moves towards its August recess having made little to no progress on immigration reform, the House Republican Conference is equipping its members with a document...
View ArticleMitt Romney’s Magic Number
Mitt Romney’s campaign has identified 38% as the “magic number” of Latino voters they need to secure victory over President Obama in the November election. This seems rather ambitious; John McCain...
View ArticleIntroducing LD Vote Predict
This is the second of two posts introducing new models that Latino Decisions will use in predicting Latino voter turnout along with the choice of candidate by those voters who do turn out to vote. In a...
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